DHP 145 – Leakage Test System

With Leak Test Rigs of series DHP 145 it is possible to test tightness against over and low-pressure of components of different dimensions and shapes. The leak rate is determined depending on pressure.
The test rig is working at test air temperatures from -40°C up to 120°C. A heat exchanger protects the measurement instrumentation against damages because of too low or high temperatures during low pressure operation.
For external connection the test rig has a test air adapter, a pressure measurement port as well as a temperature sensor which have to be connected with the test sample.
All connecting lines are 2m long so that the sample can be in a climatic chamber during the test. The whole inscpection process is carried out primarily automatic and is controlled by means of the PC-based software DHPWin.


  • Test pressure is measured directly at test sample
  • Tests with over and low-pressure possible (pressure and suction mode)
  • Big temperature range of applicable test air
  • By means of cascading of several laminar flow elements wide volume flow range
  • Compact design
  • Mobile – easy to move by lockable weels
  • Easy handling supported by computer-controlled test procedure
  • Comfortable data analysis under Windows