The High Dilution System HDS 561 for aerosols is characterized by its very wide, variable range of dilution ratios (up to 1:100’000). The volume flow rate setting is factory-provided and made custom-specific.
These features eliminate the need for cascading multiple dilution systems and reduces the system pressure loss. The possibility of remote checking and control of dilution ratio expands its application fields, as there are e.g. dilution of aerosols for measurement with particle counters, defined supply of a source strength with aerosol generators.
The applied HEPA-filter system guaranties long lifetime and state of readiness.
Adaptive Instruments
Unit 4 Franklyn House,
Daux Road, Billingshurst,
West Sussex,
RH14 9SJ, UK
Tel: +44 1403 753333
Fax: +44 1403 753386