Adaptive was founded in November 1989 as an industrial computer based organisation as a spin-off company of ADAC Corporation of Woburn Massachusetts USA. The original area of activity was the distribution of ADAC products in the newly emerging data acquisition and process control field using DEC and PC based computers. The company slowly diversified into optical based systems including particle size instruments, analytical equipment and instrumentation.
In November 2003 Adaptive Instruments was formed as a partnership and signed its first distribution agreement with Topas GmbH of Dresden Germany to supply the full range of Topas aerosol instrumentation. Topas products include a range of particle size and counting system together with diluters, aerosol generators and many ancillary products used in aerosol research.
The product range was further enhanced with the addition of the LUM GmbH product line including the LUMiSizer, LUMiFuge, LUMiReader and LUMiFrac range of Stability, Size and adhesion analysis systems. More recently we had introduction of the Teclis sarl FoamScan foam analysis system and the Tracker liquid surface tension instrument. We have also moved into the world of process with the pharmaceutical grade homogenizer range from PSI.
Adaptive Instruments Ltd was incorporated in in May 2010 and is currently in a period of rapid expansion with the continuing introduction of new test and measurement technology.
In 2016 Adaptive Instruments Ltd expanded to a larger site in Billingshurst, West Sussex. Further expanding our office and demonstration lab facilities.
Adaptive Instruments
Unit 4 Franklyn House,
Daux Road, Billingshurst,
West Sussex,
RH14 9SJ, UK
Tel: +44 1403 753333
Fax: +44 1403 753386